Tag Archives: GOTG

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

I love a sequel!  I love super heroes! I love a Marvel movie!  You would think that I would love Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 and you would be right.  I thoroughly loved this film. It was funny, and sweet and action packed and just a little bit cheesy so you knew it wasn’t taking it self too seriously.


Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 is the kind of movie that everyone can enjoy.  It had a little something for everyone, a touch of romance, fight scenes, beautiful world building, outer space, character growth and laughter.  Even when it was making me cry, this film still managed to make me laugh.  It some how got me to forgive all of the characters I had previously distrusted and then to root for them.    It was exactly the movie I thought it was going to be and my expectations were high.

GOTG V2 was more than anything about family; of blood or of circumstance and the troubles those bonds can bring, even unto the destruction of the galaxy.  It was a movie that I felt had a lot of heart and at it’s center was Baby Groot voiced by Vin Diesel.  He stole the show, with his innocence and joy.  If you loved Groot in the first one then you will adore him more in this sequel.  Chris Pratt who played Peter Quill or Star-lord was witty and lovable. Zoe Saldano was an action star as Gamora and Karen Gillan finally found a way to make Nebula seem multidimensional and less forced (my only real criticism of the first film). But Rocket voiced by Bradley Cooper and Drax played by Dave Baustista were my favorite characters in this film.  Drax’s relationship with Mantis played by Pom Klementieff was a hilarious picture of what it looks like when a person who is tuned deeply to the emotions of others defers to someone who is not.  Rocket was endearing with his angry retorts and his friendship with Yondu somehow seemed to soften them both.   I was happy that we got to see more of Sean Gunn as well as Kraglin.


It is no surprise that I am recommending that you see this movie in the theatre as soon as possible.  I am actually wondering why you don’t have tickets already.  I saw it in 3D.  The 3D was very well done and the multiple worlds that you get to experience make the theatre visit well worth the ticket cost.  I’ll wager it is worth seeing it in IMAX as well.  Please stay until the very end, there are five end credit scenes and they are all worth watching.  As a fun game you can also try and identify all of the places in the credits where “I am Groot” is stated before it changes into something else.